Who cares if it's any good or not - you get a full price game for absolutely nothing! ...but actually, it is quite good. Here's some stuff from the inlay:
Arcade space battles, 3D flight simulation, and mind-stretching strategy problems - take on these challenges and become ace space duellist STARION.
"Astonishing, astounding, phenomenal ... well startling, doesn't even begin to say it."
"Don't hang about waiting for Elite, rush out now and grab a copy of Starion."
Computer & Video Games
"Melbourne House has come up trumps with Starion."
Sinclair User
I have loads of Starion spectrum cassettes lying around and I'd like to send them to Spectrum fans around the world. The cassettes are in perfect condition - no scratches, not even a drop of glue from price tags!
Currently I have total of 6 Starion cassettes. 3 cassettes have plastic wrappings, 3 don't. I will keep one unopened copy for myself, but I intend to give away all the other ones. Those with plastic wrappings will go first.
I will not make any IP checks or anything, but the idea is that one person can win only once. And only one winner/per compo - the fastest wins.

The picture above is composed of three screenshots from well known Speccy games. Your job is to name those three games!
Send your answer(s) to me - if you're the first one to answer correctly, you get a copy of Starion mailed to you for no charge whatsoever!
So far seven competitions have already ended:
Competition 1: 4 questions from SU Mega Quiz
Competition 2: According to the man on the left, what is the thing on the right?
Competition 3: What games appear on this picture?
Competition 4: What does this insect have to do with Speccy hardware?
Competition 5: What is the name of this speccy game?
Competition 6: Name a game in which you could go to sauna.
Competition 7: Name at least three games by Braybrook which have NOT been converted to Speccy.
Something very cool happened the other day ... I received email from nobody else than David Webb, the person who programmed Starion! He was very delighted to see that the some people are still enjoying his old games.
He did not give me a written permission to publish the Starion patch, but I guess it's ok :)
If you win a copy and want to complete the game, don't forget to apply this patch to the game:
1 REM PATCH TO CURE PROBLEM IN BLOCK 3, GRID 7, ZONE 1 2 REM (C) DAVID M. WEBB 1985. NOT TO BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT 3 REM WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE PUBLISHER. 4 REM 10 CLEAR 65471 20 LET BASE= 65472 30 LET CHK= 0 40 FOR A=0 TO 51 50 READ B 60 POKE BASE+A,B 70 LET CHK=CHK+B 80 NEXT A 90 IF CHK <> 5408 THEN PRINT "DATA WRONG. CHECK LINES 130-200":STOP 100 PRINT "PLAY STARION TAPE FROM START" 110 LOAD "" CODE 120 RANDOMIZE USR BASE 125 REM 130 DATA 221,33,0,64,17,208,191 135 REM 140 DATA 62,255,55,49,0,0,205 145 REM 150 DATA 86,5,33,47,169,52,17 155 REM 160 DATA 54,169,33,233,255,1,5 165 REM 170 DATA 0,237,176,14,6,17,79 175 REM 180 DATA 200,237,176,195,67,128 185 REM 190 DATA 200,65,195,79,200,54 195 REM 200 DATA 61,35,16,251,201